The fourth week under the topic flexible learning makes me associate flexible learning with flexible teaching. Let us work smarter and go back to discussion-based learning. Lectures can be recorded, flipped classrooms. Time can be spent on discussions with the help of twitter in the "lecture time," or other technical aids. Perhaps the small group discussions, peer evaluation, evaluation of other students. And why would a teacher lecture, a topic more than once? Let students learn critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, originality, planning with the help of teamwork, problem-based learning using social media and the Internets all facilities.
Universities are unique learning isntitutions. Let us look forward to the diversification of teaching methods. Let freedom give the width, let the amount of students and the width of the students drive the process. Must courses be planned in detail ?- why not solve the course objectives with the support of the students during the course? Let the goals of the course be the goals for the students to come up with the how to - be up to the students to solve in interaction with the teacher. Use mentimeter to democratic discuss and decide how to ? Or maybe not . Maybe it will not work - but I would like to try.
all the thougths above is due to Bates.A.W.Tony (2015), Teaching in digital age.
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