Blogs in ONL course should be longer - more words - more thoughts - better thoughts?
I missed, and maybe I did not look for what exactly was expected for passing this course.
I'm not giving up - and I will start commenting. In this blog in more posts, more about my learning and thoughts from the beginning of the course ONL161.
ONL161 - online learning network, a course that attracted me. I like to use internet, computers and technology. I like teaching. I believe that studies and knowledge shall be made available to anyone who wants to take part - examinations are something else.
High motivation is considered to be good for making learning easier (Eppler & Harju, 1997). And I look forward to learn more and to meet teachers from other faculties, other countries, other people with other experiences. At the beginning of the course we met in Kalmar live, and got lots of information. Too much for me I think. Since I could not find the information about the amount of words that was necessary, and the amount of references and so on, for finishing the course.
I went home to the my office and tried get it, to know what I was going to do, AND HOW to do it(everything). "All others" have portable computers work - not me . I brought my private. And it is private, but I use it at work anyhow-that is how it is for many teachers who do not go to conferences every five minutes. In this course As in many I give my students I guess, I probably assume previous knowledge at a too high level, the expectation that students have better knowledge than they have (Hedin, 2006). Just because I can and think it's simple and obvious, it is not for everyone. I have met university students who know little about WORD .
And before this course I've never cared about Twitter, blogs, or Google+. HELP! is the spontaneous thought and feeling - but I want to get through and learn more ,,,
Eppler,M.A. & Harju,B.L. (1997) Achievement motivation goals in relation to
academic performance in traditional and nontraditional college students.
Research in Higher Education, 38(5),s.557-573.
Hedin ,
A.(2006) Lärande på hög nivå: idéer från
studenter, lärare och pedagogisk forskning som stöd för utveckling av
universitetsundervisning. Uppsala : Uppsala Universitet
Kentnor, HE. (2015). Distance
education and the evolution of online learning in the United States . Curriculum & Teaching
Dialogue, 17, 1/2, s. 21-34, Academic Search Premier, EBSCO host, viewed 2016-08-31
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