måndag 7 november 2016

Taking a course to see for my self

I have joined a course in my own topic HRM to learn more ?   Its really interesting to see how professional the movies (recorded lectures) are. Wonder if we ever could do something like that at my University since "the cost of developing high quality educational video that exploits the unique characteristics of the medium is still relatively high" (Bates, 2015).  And there is no budget for that yet. But there are plans for internationalization and maybe this is a way for internationalization to use other University's courses and let the students make the examination here. And then we have to give courses, MOOC s so that other Schools can do the same ?! It is obvious  that god  pedagogy is necessary - but what is god pedagogy in MOOC s ? Just a few short notes in this blog. There are to be many problems to solve, things to think about like :
Universal (students from all over the word) You have to really think about what you say. 
Movies - how and why?
Budget - ?
Reusable ?
Who shall be movie star - lecturing?
Copyright of pictures and music?

How might my lecturing be reused? mixed? misunderstood ?

The look of the teacher one of my colleges said - I'm to ugly :( , I have to go to the hairdresser,,
Since the appearance are important . There are codes of conduct that are not in writing,, so even a male lecturer would probably want to look  as a male lecturer.


Bates Anthony William (2015) under creativ commons licence.https://opentextbc.ca/teachinginadigitalage/  

Schilling, A. (2014). Dressing for competence : Notes on the body practices of knowledge workers.   Linneaus University   2014 http://www.anzam.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf-manager/1721_ANZAM-2014-375.PDF

onsdag 2 november 2016

Now or Never?

To much to do,
And still  I accept more things to do - like informing my colleges about MOOCs - next Friday. I better hurry to grasp it. Since this ONL161 course for me was something more than I thought it was , I did not  pass - but I will pass sooner or later - or is there a time limit ? or what?
Ok here are my previous thought about MOOCs - nothing!
I had no idea about wat MOOCs was.  Today I know more :


MOOCs stand for Massive Open Online Courses. These are free online courses from universities around the world
                                             (Class Central, 2016-11-02). 
 You can find them on class central .You can use MOOCs in your education and examine them at your home university - You can use parts of the courses for seminars and discussions.

I have made an Power point introduction to some colleges.  The problem right now is  how do I find out how to make place for a power point file in blogger, this blog, I do not know. That might be the biggest problem with the internet revolution, it is not obvious how to do  for everyone .But there is books to read for those who finds it, for exampel  teaching in digital age  .  Anyhow

You can do your own MOOCs, share the knowledge. Get reputation, by collaboration you can move beyond the typical institutional collaboration patterns (Santos et al. 2016).  And maybe paid for it, maybe beneficial both in monetary and in mastery.

 Inamorato dos Santos, A., Punie, Y., Castaño-Muñoz, J. (2016) Opening up Education: A Support
Framework for Higher Education Institutions. JRC Science for Policy Report, EUR 27938 EN; doi:10.2791/293408 
Bates Anthony William (2015) under creativ commons licence.https://opentextbc.ca/teachinginadigitalage/  

onsdag 31 augusti 2016

enought is not enough

Enough is enough?
Blogs in ONL course should be longer - more words - more thoughts -  better thoughts?
I missed, and maybe I did not look for what exactly was expected for passing this course.

I'm not giving up - and I will start commenting.  In this blog in more posts,  more about my learning and thoughts from the beginning of the course ONL161.

ONL161 - online learning network, a course that attracted me. I like to use internet, computers and  technology. I like teaching. I believe that studies and knowledge shall be made available to anyone who wants to take part - examinations are something else.

High motivation is considered to be good for making  learning easier (Eppler & Harju, 1997). And I look forward to learn more and  to meet teachers from other faculties, other countries, other people with other experiences. At the beginning of the course we met in Kalmar live, and got lots of information. Too much for me I think. Since I could not find the information about the amount of words that was necessary, and the amount of references and so on, for finishing the course.

 I went home to the my office and tried get it, to know what I was going to do, AND HOW to do it(everything). "All others" have portable computers work -  not me . I brought my private. And it is  private, but I use it at work anyhow-that is how it is for many teachers who do not go to conferences every five minutes. In this course As in many I give my students I guess, I probably assume previous knowledge at a too high level, the expectation that students have better knowledge than they have (Hedin, 2006). Just because I can and think it's simple and obvious, it is not for everyone. I have met university students who know little about WORD .

And before  this course I've never cared about Twitter, blogs, or Google+. HELP! is the spontaneous thought and feeling  - but I want to get through and learn more ,,,

Eppler,M.A. & Harju,B.L. (1997) Achievement motivation goals in relation to academic performance in traditional and nontraditional college students. Research in Higher Education, 38(5),s.557-573.

Hedin , A.(2006) Lärande på hög nivå: idéer från studenter, lärare och pedagogisk forskning som stöd för utveckling av universitetsundervisning. Uppsala : Uppsala Universitet

Kentnor, HE. (2015). Distance  education  and the  evolution  of online learning  in the United States . Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue, 17, 1/2, s. 21-34, Academic Search Premier, EBSCO host, viewed 2016-08-31

söndag 17 april 2016

Education, teaching, formalities and support.

 This week I have focused on the similarities and differences in teaching on net and live. The similarities are many. The difference is that we do not have close contact with the students, we are not in the same house, we  may not even be in the same country. We may not have the same conditions, technical, economic elller politically. Awareness of the differences mean that we need to be clear, so clear that we can bridge the differences. 
There is a lot to take in account -To get to our students both in and out throughout the course. Hence the need for awareness of pedagogy perspective on learning - we learn in different ways. Despite differences in learning methods are meeting and discussing important.
How should and can get you get your students to start a discussion on the web - without coercion? How might we examine thousands of students in a course, is that even possible?

This course is approaching its end. And  it has opened my eyes to all that online learning offers, Moocs, and Google +, blogs, twitter etc. The pedagogy of online courses is something I realize I want to familiarize myself with even more. And still there  are theories (Andersson (2008), Salmon (2013)). And so much, much left to know ,,,

Salmon, G. (2013) Scaffolding for online learning. Available here

Anderson, T. (Ed.). (2008). The theory and practice of online learning . Athabasca University Press. Available here 

So different - and the same

Pedagogy - teachich

söndag 10 april 2016

the fifth week - getting to know more?

All the technic, the google+, wordpress, paddle, twitter , adobe, all of it is becoming familiar, at least a little. now I dont have to spend more time on looking for where and how compared to reading and taking part of the course. still I am confused. Today nobody else had written anything on the fish document - maybe I still am at the wrong place? Or maybe it is like in the text I wrote after reading Weller, M. (2014). Battle for Open: How openness won and why it doesn’t feel like victory. London: Ubiquity Press. Available here 

there is a lot to it - more than anyone can  get a glimps of (in the  few hours that is in this course) in my life ?

söndag 3 april 2016

Wiki for students - an experience

I had decided that in the new course which began March 30, the students would be given the opportunity to make a wiki - for real. One of the  students came the following day and said: 

I wrote out my wiki, I had chosen health apps . I wrote five lines and would fetch a referens and left the computer a few minutes. When I came back, five people were had changed  "my" wiki, only the first two sentences I wrote were left. I changed back and then it became a debate where I gave up. Incredible .

There was a lively debate. Many students were  surprised, how can there be critic so quickly? Where the criticism justified?
A log was picked up by another student, and everyone could see the debate within the wiki. Then we had a discussion of credibility  it  was rewarding, even for me.
I had no idea that wiki was so "monitored".

lördag 2 april 2016

I came to think about whats a wiki is it something more than a short form for wikipedia OR ?
Any one who knows?

Flexibel learning flexibel teaching

The fourth week under the topic flexible learning makes me associate flexible learning with flexible teaching. Let us work smarter and go back to discussion-based learning. Lectures can be recorded, flipped classrooms. Time can be spent on discussions with the help of twitter in the "lecture time," or other  technical aids. Perhaps the small group discussions, peer evaluation, evaluation of other students. And why would a teacher lecture, a topic more than once? Let students learn critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, originality, planning with the help of teamwork, problem-based learning using social media and the Internets all  facilities. 

Universities are unique learning isntitutions. Let us look forward to the diversification of teaching methods. Let freedom give the width, let the amount of students and the width of the students drive the process. Must courses be planned in detail ?- why not solve the course objectives with the support of the students during the course? Let the goals of the course  be the goals for the students to come up with the how to - be up to the students to solve in interaction with the teacher.  Use mentimeter to democratic discuss and decide how to ? Or maybe not . Maybe it will not work - but I would like to try.

all the thougths above is due to  Bates.A.W.Tony (2015), Teaching in digital age. open.bccampus.ca

måndag 14 mars 2016

WOW ;) My learning will change my teaching

Today I made a pedagogical turnover. The webinar on Friday made me think, during the weekend I thought a lot about what I am doing and not doing. So today I have taken a decision  - my students will be active om Wikipedia .
The course begins the 30:th of Mars and they will be writing their first ? wiki in April. Really fun, to make a course visible , to make the students visible, they will learn a lot that takes hour and hours in teaching about source critic, licenses, ,,,

To push student in to be citizens in internet. I will learn and they will too.
There is a lot to think about - like what can you write (ethics,badmouthing) - And to be aware about the consequence, about source criticism (Watson.A.M, Lopiano.R.G, 2016) It is  a bit scary  -What will happen when I let 50 students, handle 50 pages ? 

Watson.A.M, Lopiano.R.G, (2016). Case Study Should we fire him for that post? Harvard Business Review, March p103-105. WWW.HBR.ORG 

torsdag 10 mars 2016

Videos from David White about Digital litteracy

Knowledge as private information shared with a very small number of people. Or knowledge as debate, as twitter, free for everybody. What difference does it all make? When anyone can spread thoughts to anyone who want to listen ? Will there be a black market of information/knowledge. So what will happen with academia when knowledge is free online?
A lot of questions arises:  Is it legitimate to discuss my thought? What will happen if I spread my thoughts to anyone who listens? Is Academia for the privileged ? institutions or individuals?

Recommended:  videos from David White on youtube, they are interesting and easy to follow.

onsdag 9 mars 2016

What do we expect of our students to know about the internet ? How should I use internet ?

Digital literacy  -  a kind of power. 

Digital literacy will probably be of great value for health, According to  Antonowsky,  sense of coherence, is  most important  for health (Antonowsky, 2005).  Digital Literacy might give a "sence of coherens" Digital literacy gives an opportunity to be social, find friends, a way of belonging, of beeing seen. And maybe Digital literacy will  give social status, making you visible, giving value. Digital literacy in earning money  like som bloggers do, they live on digital literacy. Digital literacy might it be seen as some kind of Marketing ? Marketplace for your Identity - as you want to bee seen. Giving your footprints.

 Digital literacy and health is already here - Like in E-health, internet for elderly and sick. And now Digital literacy för students and their teachers. You might think ,,knowledge whats that ?

Knowledge as private information shared with a very small number of people. Or knowledge as debate, as twitter, free for everybody. What difference does it all make? When anyone can spread thoughts to anyone who want to listen ? Will there be a black market of information/knowledge. So what will happen with academia when knowledge is free online?
A lot of questions arises:  Is it legitimate to discuss my thought? What will happen if I spread my thoughts to anyone who listens? Is Academia for the privileged ? institutions or individuals? 
 REF: Antonowsky.A, (2005) Hälsans Mysterium. Natur & Kultur, Lund. isbn 9789127110274
in english:  Unraveling the mistery of health

måndag 7 mars 2016

guess I m on a journey

WOW, guess I'm on a journey.  I am a visiter on the internet!. If I stay long and get familiar with the surroundings , I might be recident. I dont really grasp the point in beeing recident. Maybe becaouse I have lived on  without even knowing that i trip to web was possible. And there is no Ads about going resident on internet. Whats In it for me? I wonder. I saw on You tube something that made me think - take a look at David White: Visitors and residents (part 1) http://youtu.be/sPOG3iThmRI   

I will have to se more of David White, and to think about  " What will the world look like when  everybody is resident?" but now I'll walk the dog.

fredag 4 mars 2016

About my first Twitter meeting

Twitter meeting, is it really possible to have a twitter meeting from my place on earth , the middle of nowhere in Småland ??. YES it is, it was amazing that I could write short and consistent (as I am eager to say to my own student - be consistent! ) We had a Discussion , me and about seven of my PBL group participaters.

A twitter meeting is like an organized chat, where we had booked a time and day and all went there to the #ONL161 . We discussed together and sent messages as private comments. Participators from all around the globe :)  It made me feel as member of the future. I guess I wont tweet, not yet anyhow, but as a tool it is amazing.

And this morning the birds outside my window agreed , saying tweet, tweet, tweet :)

tisdag 1 mars 2016

To be student in a new world - Learning reflections after two weeks

The DISC as the most important perspectives of online learning to be successful seems to me very true. As I apprehend it the Discussion is what I am looking forward to. And then I missed the adobe meeting on Monday since I thought it was om Wednesday. Information, where and when and how is obviously also important. The doodle did not work for me this time - usually it pops into my calendar, I think, but not this time. But the 'I' was for Involvement and that I obviously did not enough - I was free on Friday and left the course for three days - too many obviously.  As a teacher myself -I know  structure is important to schedule or plan my involvement, being a student is really different . I will have more structure with me in my own courses. Structure for teacher is not always structure for students.  I will involve more - each day ? And I hope for a congenial support and learning. but how and where ? on the blogs or where ?. I think the new Google+  (for me) is like a new world, not like facebook at all ;)
Maybe I am like my own students - crying for help, instead of taking control over my learning process. That scares me.  Learning is exciting and takes time and practices again and again.  I want Support!!! As everyone else it seems (Comey , Stevensson. ) And I hope for and will strive for a congenial learning. And then it is Control that is important - but control is to have a plan and work for it as someone said : "If it is important to you, you find a way - If not you find an excuse"

I will find a way.

onsdag 24 februari 2016

interesting - learning is important  - AND fun. But blogger is not nice so I will continue with
And now I'm really here in ONL161, moocs. Confused but with a lot to read I found many links, If i don't print it - I will get used to reading paperless ;) And that is good I guess?!

And I have started a private blog, just to see what its like -maybe students can use blogs for reflections in the learning process. Maybe there can be many writers in one blog? A lot  to be curios about - really fun.  annelundblog.wordpress.com

Funny?  really, in my English blog I have wordpress in Swedish - in my Swedish blog I have wordpress in English  ,,,

fredag 19 februari 2016

OH I wish I hade more time, or a better internet conection at my home :( I have to be at work to work I guess. But now I have introduced myself twice in Swedish and English? at the courseweb. So if there is anybody out there seeing , listening or reading this - HI! Happy weekend!
I will try to be online from time to time - maybe I will find You..It feels as I am "empty in space "
Or maybe just empty in mind (friday?)
Happy happy,,,,Holliday

måndag 15 februari 2016

Ok this is the first week. And I am confused. I have another meeting in Stockholm so I will not be able to participate "live" on the first meeting :(  I hope I will be better at taking this course seriously. And make notes in Outlook. I do really want to learn a lot, but it feels a bit scary to be "student" , so now maybe I can imagin what the students feels in the beginning of a course.

And I am really looking forward to all the cooperation with "My" PBL group, and everyone else of course,, rather exiting really ;)  Maybe I will learn how to make emoticons in my blogg,,,,,

torsdag 11 februari 2016

Once upon a time I got a question from a student  (supposed to be a teacher later on): Do you know if there are any scientific studies showing that the best way to learn is to sit down?

That was a funny question I answered , Of course there is no such studies, why do you wonder ?
Because in school every pupil/student is sitting down .

måndag 8 februari 2016

I Am here? this is the first blog post.

 I am new to blogger, twitter, and google+. what might come? I'm thinking about time, do I have the time. Of course I have - I have as much time as anyone else - 24 hours a day. Do I have the the motivation? I guess its like someone said : If it's important, you will find a way - If not, you will find an excuse.

And I do want to be a very good teacher. I do want to grasp all the new ways of thinking that Internet makes possible. So here I am - curious, about life on net.