tisdag 1 mars 2016

To be student in a new world - Learning reflections after two weeks

The DISC as the most important perspectives of online learning to be successful seems to me very true. As I apprehend it the Discussion is what I am looking forward to. And then I missed the adobe meeting on Monday since I thought it was om Wednesday. Information, where and when and how is obviously also important. The doodle did not work for me this time - usually it pops into my calendar, I think, but not this time. But the 'I' was for Involvement and that I obviously did not enough - I was free on Friday and left the course for three days - too many obviously.  As a teacher myself -I know  structure is important to schedule or plan my involvement, being a student is really different . I will have more structure with me in my own courses. Structure for teacher is not always structure for students.  I will involve more - each day ? And I hope for a congenial support and learning. but how and where ? on the blogs or where ?. I think the new Google+  (for me) is like a new world, not like facebook at all ;)
Maybe I am like my own students - crying for help, instead of taking control over my learning process. That scares me.  Learning is exciting and takes time and practices again and again.  I want Support!!! As everyone else it seems (Comey , Stevensson. ) And I hope for and will strive for a congenial learning. And then it is Control that is important - but control is to have a plan and work for it as someone said : "If it is important to you, you find a way - If not you find an excuse"

I will find a way.

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